Friday, August 14, 2009


A false start if I ever had one...

I finally took the plunge and combined my photo/text blog (old school, Shutterfly Share Site) and video-only blog into one true, “official blog." And, what happened? It got deleted by Blogger. So, here I go trying to remember what I posted and to do it again quickly. There’s nothing more boring than re-inventing the past.

Here's a super quick recap of Father's Day 2009:

Fantastic time at Vesona Park where we picnicked ("we must do this all the time" says Zoe) and took over the playground.

Super fun and relaxing. Click here for a few pics.

And, this is a sweet video of Greg and the girls.

Finally, take a peak at my Father's Day gift to Greg this year. He announced that he'd run into the house if it was burning down (and we were out) to get this video. I told him not to since we can just order another one online. But, you get the idea... ;-)

View this montage created at One True Media
Happy Daddy's Day

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