Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We've been anxiously awaiting the birth of Dodo's little baby boy and he's finally here (born on Tuesday, October 27th -- a few days early)! His name is David and he's a healthy and GORGEOUS (no big shocker!) baby. Dodo had a smooth and effortless birth (jealousy is consuming me!) and is resting comfortably. David is a sprinkle over 7 lbs. and 20 inches. He's perfect. (And Dodo looks gorgeous! I remember being green for four days?)

We sprinted to the hospital to meet David today. It was so fun to hold him and the girls were soooo excited to meet him. We've been talking about it for so long.

Ruby looked at the baby but she was mostly interested in jumping on the furniture (shocker!). And falling off, of course. That was fun.

Zoe was high as a kite. She couldn't wait to hold David. In typical Zoe style, she didn't say much ('cause it was all too new) but she loved holding him and "petted" him quite a bit. At bedtime we always talk about her favorite part of the day. Tonight she didn't hesitate for a nanosecond. "...going to the hospital to hold David and see Dodo" she giggled.

Congrats to Dodo and Mac. David chose well!

Click here for a handful of pictures and video.

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