Friday, January 13, 2012


We received the following email last week. Zoe has been chosen to receive a Principal's Award at her school (very big deal to the kids...)!  Children receive Principal Awards related to the 6 Pillars at school.  The one she has been chosen to receive is the best one...hehehehe...EXCELLENCE!

Anyway -- it's a SURPRISE!!!!  SO, PLEASE DO NOT MENTION anything related to a Principal Award or ANYTHING close...the surprise is a big part of it!  Greg and I will be going to her school for the assembly.  She is going to be soooo excited...she's been dying for one! ;-)

We are so proud of her!!!!!

Your child, Zoe, has been chosen by his/her teacher to receive a Principal's Award. This award is being given to students who have exemplified themselves in the category of Excellence   All of our recipients will be recognized at a school-wide assembly on Friday, January 20th at 8:35 a.m. in the MPR. We would like to invite you and your family to attend this assembly in his/her honor.
Once again, congratulations, and I look forward to seeing you then.

Wanny Hersey

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